Author Topic: unlisted patch 9 changes  (Read 10707 times)

Offline sCuMBaG

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unlisted patch 9 changes
« on: 23.Apr.2010, 15:55 »
unlisted changes:

new bug: all banelings, overseers, broodlords that hatch are rallied to hatchery's rally point -_- (imagine that in Broodwar.. lurkers hatching and then automatically moving back to hatch's rally point??)

New sound effects and some lightly edited music (& 1 new protoss track)

Neural Parasite casts faster (tentacle shoots out quicker)

Can now Bind Locations like you could in SC1. CTRL + F5 - F8 binds the camera location, F5-F8 recalls those locations. useful for rally points, warp-in, mule'ing, etc.

Zerg buildings now bleed when low HP

Protoss buildings now have little bolts of electricity flash around when low HP AND low/empty shields (in BW, the blue flames always showed even if shields fully regenerated)

the bar indicating the procedure of larva spawn now goes from left to right.

it adds another bar for hatch/lair/hive upgrate. In the previous version it just replaces the larva spawn bar.

now you can cancel an egg and make it back into a larva with full return

Colossus can no longer walk through/over force field

Orbital command scanner sweep graphical change

hydralisk/thor/zerglings can now /dance and /cheer

8 new player colors (possibly only accessable by map editor? dunno, depends on max # of players in a multiplayer game)

a window now pops up showing the countdown to being revealed (25 sec), when you lose all of your town halls

all types of units now have a Rank description, like Disciple, Predator, General, etc

creep tumor seems to spread creep faster, not 100% sure

new creep tumor texture, new baneling egg morphing texture.

health bars no longer turn yellow instantly. now they stay greenish while theyre at high HP

All zerg buildings now have animations for whenever they are researching/upgrading/building anything. often times they just move around faster

new mouse cursors for each race

the preview of any structure before it is morphed by zerg, now is no longer translucent, it looks exactly the same as if the structure was finished.

when you tell a spire to morph into a greater spire, there's a totally sweet animation!

new hydralisk range upgrade icon. (used to have the same one as Roach Burrowed Movement upgrade)

new texture for Fleet Beacon.

high templar warping in looks different

hellion's flame is now blue, it may be because i researched the Pre-Igniter upgrade is what I'm guessing

Zerg decals show around Spawning Pool and hatcheries

Offline ByI

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Re: unlisted patch 9 changes
« Reply #1 on: 23.Apr.2010, 16:57 »
hydralisk/thor/zerglings can now /dance and /cheer

Im Moment können nur Marines und Maroder tanzen, dt. Befehle sind übrigens:
/tanzen oder /jubeln

Offline YoZ

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Re: unlisted patch 9 changes
« Reply #2 on: 24.Apr.2010, 13:31 »
hab heute gut zeit zum zocken, also falls jemand lust hat, bin im bnet (yoz.yoz)

Offline sCuMBaG

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Re: unlisted patch 9 changes
« Reply #3 on: 24.Apr.2010, 14:09 »
bin so in ner stunde am start
können dann gern paar games machen. würde gern bissl gegen z trainen^^