und wieso psielst dann net so, man man man XDDDDDDDDD
Tja mein gosuabsorber funzt net so gut, und das obwohl ich halb koreaner bin :/
"[02:14] <+Milkis[Laptop]> funny story
[02:14] <+Milkis[Laptop]> so
[02:14] <+Milkis[Laptop]> idra's girlfriend
[02:14] <@pachi> can't promote esports like this
[02:14] <+Milkis[Laptop]> was at the party
[02:14] <+McJibba> you're in
[02:14] <+Milkis[Laptop]> and
[02:14] <+AresEffort> O_O
[02:14] <+Milkis[Laptop]> she was trash talking
[02:14] <+Milkis[Laptop]> with mc
[02:14] <+AresEffort> LOL
[02:14] <+Milkis[Laptop]> and then
[02:14] <+McJibba> to MC?
[02:14] <+lubdropu> trash talking who
[02:14] <+Milkis[Laptop]> to MC yeah
[02:14] <+AresEffort> LOL
[02:14] <+Milkis[Laptop]> just in general
[02:14] <@pachi> did mc ask her if idra ggs early in bed too?"